to Yelloux Cove

In the trenches of family caregiving, we stand as both shield and advocate against the storms of mental health malpractice and discrimination. Our battles, fought in the silence of indifference and the chaos of injustice, bear witness to the stark disparities in healthcare. Yet, it is here, in the rawness of our reality, that we find our strength and voice. Together, we rise, not just to care for our loved ones, but to challenge the status quo, demanding a system that sees the person, not the condition. Our journey is a testament to love's unyielding power and a call to action for fairness, respect, and dignity for all.

Yelloux Cove

Every breath brings you closer to peace and clarity

Dive into the chill vibes of meditation and mindfulness with us. Discover how these simple practices can be your secret to less stress and more smiles, one breath at a time.

Why Affirmations? Elevate Your Mindset

Discover how affirmations can transform your thoughts, boost confidence, and promote a positive outlook. Start reshaping your reality with the power of positive statements today.

7 Kitchen Herbs with Powerful Effects

Discover the transformative power of kitchen herbs. 7 potent herbs that can elevate your spiritual practices and bring your intentions to life. Nature’s magic to manifest abundance, love, and well-being.


About us

Yelloux Cove, where every twist and turn of caregiving and mental health is navigated with heart, humor, and honesty. As a vibrant sanctuary for the bold and the spirited, Yelloux champions authenticity, resilience, and inclusivity, celebrating the raw, unfiltered beauty of every life story. Join our movement of empowerment and community, where real talk meets real life, and discover a tribe that embraces every moment as a Yelloux moment.

I wish you the best of luck with your business, enjoy the adventure.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.